Fiat 500L 1.4 City Cross | BUSINESS CONTRACT HIRE |
Total Monthly Rental (exc VAT) | £180.55 |
Initial Rental (exc VAT) | £541.65 |
Terms (Months) | 36 |
Payment Frequency | Monthly |
Rental Profile | 3 followed by 35 |
Annual Mileage | 6,000 |
Excess Mileage Charge | 5p |
Renewal of Road Fund Licence | Yes |
Desira Group PLC is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FRN : 687521. We are a Credit Broker not a Lender and can introduce you to a limited number of lenders. Desira Group PLC is an Appointed Representative of AutoProtect (MBI) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance distribution purposes; FRN: 312143. We typically receive a fixed commission calculated by reference to the vehicle model or amount you borrow, for introducing you to a lender but this does not affect the interest charged on the agreement, all of which are set by the lender. Our FCA permitted business is arranging General Insurance and Finance Products. You can check this on the FCA Register by visiting