Brandon Accident Repair Centre

The Approved Partner of Desira for all of your Bodywork Repairs

Had an Accident?

Know your legal rights!

Following an accident, it's your legal right to have your car repaired anywhere of your choice. If contact your insurance company, they may try to get the repairs done at the lowest possible price without caring as much about the quality of the repair as you do. Your insurers 'recommended repairers' may not have BSI Kitemark approval and they may not use genuine parts.

All insurers have an obligation governed by the FCA to 'Treat customers fairly', you do not need to use your insurance company's favoured establishment and you do not need two estimates.

Contact Brandon Accident Repair Centre

To find out where your nearest Brandon Accident Repair Centre is
and all contact details follow the link below.

Contact Brandon Accident Centre

About Brandon Accident Repair

Established in 1997 by Paul King, Brandon Accident Repair Centre is a professional and highly regarded independent accident repair centre. We repair all makes and models of cars and light commercial vehicles, including 4×4 and USA specification vehicles.
Based in Brandon, on the Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire borders, we