

Service Tips & Tricks

Maintaining and servicing your car is essential to keep it running smoothly and prolong its lifespan. Regular car service not only ensures your safety on the road but also helps prevent expensive repairs down the line.

Many people will assume that you need to be some kind of auto mechanic to keep your car in working order, but that is not true. We have compiled a list of tips and tricks to keep you safe and also help improve the performance of your vehicle.

You do NOT need to be a car expert to make use of these tips, we are here to help!

Is 56mph the Optimal Speed for Fuel Efficiency?

Many drivers believe that maintaining a speed of precisely 56mph is the key to maximising their fuel efficiency.

However, the RAC motoring group asserts that there isn't a one-size-fits-all ideal driving speed. According to their research, the 56mph myth originated from outdated fuel consumption tests that compared driving in congested urban areas with speeds of 56mph and 75mph.

Surprisingly, the tests found 56mph to be the most fuel-efficient speed, leading many to adopt it as the gold standard for economical driving.

Nonetheless, the RAC emphasises that the optimal speed varies depending on factors like the car's type and size. For many vehicles, they recommend a more conservative range of 45-50mph for peak fuel efficiency.

Other Top Tips for Improving Fuel Consumption:

Smooth Acceleration and Deceleration:

  • Avoid aggressive starts and stops. Gradually accelerate and decelerate to reduce fuel consumption.

Proper Tyre Maintenance:

  • Keep your tyres properly inflated to the recommended pressure. Under-inflated tyres create more rolling resistance, reducing fuel efficiency.

Aerodynamic Efficiency:

  • Close windows at higher speeds to reduce drag, or use the vehicle's air conditioning system efficiently to maintain comfort.
Fuel use at different speeds

The recirculation button, have you seen it? Do you know when to use it?

Let’s discuss… 

The air recirculation button effectively cuts off the outside air to the inside of the car, which means you will be ‘recirculating’ the air that is inside of your vehicle. On hot days like we are having it is important to use this as your AC system will be trying to pull hot air from outside and try to cool it, this will lead your air-con system to work much harder and add more stress on the blower & air compressor. If your AC has to work harder, you will increase fuel consumption of the car and your cabin will not reach optimum level of coldness. 

Key point: 

When returning to your car after it’s been baking in the sun, it is better to roll down the windows to get rid of the super-hot air inside the car for a minute. After the air has been released, then you can turn the recirculation on.

Also, if you are stuck in traffic, at any time of the year, be sure to use the recirculation feature. When pulling air from outside in stand still traffic, you will be pulling in all the pollutants and carbon monoxide from all the traffic. Studies show that recirculating your AC can cut down on the pollutants entering your vehicle by 20% when stuck in traffic!

Recirculation Button